(905) 625-6141
For over 30 years, FIN-KON POLYBAG SYSTEMS LTD. has been headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario CANADA, and is continuously
improving and upgrading our range of BAG MAKING equipment to meet
plastic bag producers increased demands; and to help us serve our
customers more effectively and economically.
Since 1983, and today in much larger facilities, our engineering,
manufacturing and parts departments continue to fulfill the commitment
of providing the highest quality products and service to our valued
customers. "The continued advancement of plastic bag making
technology remains as one of our primary goals."
As plastic bag machine specialists, FIN-KON POLYBAG SYSTEMS
has completed many installations in North America and around the
world, with machines in Africa, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, France, Guatemala, Ireland, Mexico,
Panama, Peru, Spain, Tanzania, USA, Venezuela and the West Indies.
We maintain a network of professional sales agents and will continue
to expand into new territories.